Installing Rails on Windows (3 years later)

July 20, 2009 at 11:57 pm 81 comments

**UPDATED June 2010 – just installed on Windows 7 ;)**
**UPDATED October 2010 – now also added Rails3 commands**

So, a lot has changed from the time when I first wrote a short beginner tutorial for installing Ruby on Rails. This is the reincarnation (essentially I needed to write it up from scratch) of an installation process for Rails. There were quirks in Windows installation the last 3 years I was installing Rails, but this time it went really smooth and quick, so I’ve deleted loads of workarounds and the tutorial is now really simple.

Most of the stuff you will do from the command line, to get the command line in windows, go to start menu/run and type “cmd”. You will also need to have an Internet connection during the installation as most stuff is getting updated via the Internet.

Please note that if you see a command in quotes, “like this”, you should disregard the quotes, ie. type the command without them.

1. Ruby – Download and install Ruby installer here. It’s very easy to install. When installing, click checkboxes that ask you to associate Ruby with .rb files and add Ruby to the PATH. Btw, do remember where you installed Ruby, it will come in handy later.

Once installed, from the command line type

ruby -v

and you should see something like this: ruby 1.9.1p378 (2010-01-10 revision 26273) [i386-mingw32]. If you see “Command not found”, make sure that you reload the command (close & open new) window after the install.

2. Update gems. Just in case, from command line run

gem update --system

(that’s two “-“!). It will take 2-3 mins to update.

3. Rails. Simply type in cmd: gem install rails
It will not show any progress for some time, but if your HDD is working, it’s all fine. In my case it installed rails and other related gems (in total 8 gems). After that it installs ri documentation / RDoc documentation, and it takes quite some time (much longer than gems themselves), so be patient. By the way, chances are you will NOT be using local documentation for Rails, as it’s all on the web anyway, so you can run this command instead: gem install rails –no-rdoc –no-ri

4. Create your first project. Now, create a directory for your project. In Windows VISTA (and 7, I think) I do NOT recommend creating it in your root folder or Program Files, as VISTA has some pain-in-the-ass safety mechanism that will not allow many programs access the files you put there. The best way is to create a folder in your “My Documents” folder, you can call it Rails. In your cmd type “cd path/to/your rails folder” (or you can always use an UI-shell like Windows Commander).

Type “rails hello” (in Rails 3 it should be “Rails new hello”) and it should output a bunch of lines “create app/controllers”, etc.

5. Run webserver. Good thing is that Rails comes with its own web server, so no need to set up apache. The default web server is WEBrick, but you can at any point upgrade to Mongrel, which is a production-level server. For now – don’t worry! Just remember, that in order to restart the web server, you need to press Ctrl-Break and retype the “ruby script/server” command (in Rails 3 you now need to type “rails server” instead!).

In step 4 you have created the project called hello. You will see that within your chosen directory for rails projects a directory “hello” was created and a bunch of subdirectories as well (like “app”, “config”, “db”, etc.). Go into the “hello” directory (still in your cmd) and run the webserver command “ruby script/server” (or in Rails3 use “rails server” . You should see something like “Booting WEBrick”.

6. Now, test the installation in your browser. Use your favorite browser and type in the address:

You should see a standard Rails splash screen, it will say “Welcome aboard”. Rails is installed!

7. Finally, install the database. For your dev box sqlite3 is the best choice, it’s lightweight (like, less than 1mb!) and easy to install. Go to the project’s site and get 2 zip archives precompiled binaries for Windows section. You need to download sqlite3 command line program (here’s the current version AT THE TIME OF WRITING) AND sqlite dlls (you do not need TCL bindings) – here’s the current version AT THE TIME OF WRITING. Download and extract the files to your Ruby bin directory (!).

Test that it works correctly – run sqlite3 in the command line. It should say something like “SQLite version 3.6.23” and show you a prompt (you can type SQL commands there, but don’t do it now). Now just type “.exit” or press Ctrl-Break to exit.

7.1. Now, you need to install the sqlite3 gem. Simply run “gem install sqlite3-ruby”.

8. Write code. The installation is now complete, but why stop where all the fun should begin? Let’s create our first program in Rails now!

The good thing about sqlite3 is that it doesn’t require passwords or setting up of your database, so you can start coding almost straight away. Now let’s try out the (in)famous Rails scaffold script. Run the following command in your “hello” directory:

ruby script/generate scaffold post title:string description:text

Or in Rails3:

rails generate scaffold post title:string description:text

This command creates a Post scaffold, a model/controller/view ready to be updated. Note – from now on majority of commands that you run, you should run in cmd from within your “hello” project root directory. If you go to sub-directory or a directory above your project’s root, commands will not work.

The post model will have 2 fields – a title which is a single line of text and a description, which is multi-line text. Note, that it’s a Rails notation that models should be written in singular.

Now, in your browser go to the It should give you an error ActiverRecord::StatementInvalid in PostsController#index.

9. Run the database migration. This is because after creating the scaffold, the database is not automatically updated with the new blog model, you need to do it manually by running a rake db:migrate command. Do it now.

A note on using SQL tools. In my previous post on working with Rails on Windows I’ve suggested to use MySQL Query Designer or phpadmin or something similar for creating tables. Now, with the updated tools of Rails 2.3.x you should NOT work with the database at such low level, you should work with migrations and migrations only! Migrations are easy to understand, and once you understand them, you will never want to create tables in any other ways. It also gives you other benefits, like ability to migrate up or down, etc.

Ok, so a successful rake db:migrate command will show something like CreatePosts: migrating, create_table(:posts) and show time it took to run the migration.

Before going to the next step, kill your command line window that runs the web server and restart it again by typing “ruby script/server” (in Rails 3 “rails server”). You will need to do this every time you install a new gem, as the gems are loaded at the start. If you don’t restart your server, you will see an error (We’re sorry, but something went wrong error) on the next step. These are errors that are difficult to catch, even by looking at the logs (online logs are shown in the cmd window of your web server). So, don’t forget to try and reload the server if you’re lost.

10. Show me the money… Ok, lets check the browser again – you should now see the page saying “Listing posts” and you can add new posts, edit them and delete. If you want to play around with the code, you will find the code in the hello/app directory.

11. Git. Definitely a requirement if you want to use Rails seriously. Git is a version-control system that has become a de facto standard for rails developers. Most of the latest plugins are hosted on Git. In order to use Git hosted plugins you will need to install a Git client. It’s easily installable and is available from here (you need to download a full non-portable installer, don’t install the installer that says “download if you want to hack on Git”). When installing Git, you can select different “types” of installation, select the one that says “Bash only”.

12. Learning Ruby. Now, it’s probably time to learn Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I’ve learned Ruby and Rails from 3 great books that I link to on my blog. If you are looking for free Rails web resources, I posted about them here.

13. Next, you should think about your development environment You should select the best tools for editing your rails files, running scripts, etc. straight away. You can check my dev environment here.

14. Create you first project. Now that the technical part is over, you should be dying to do something useful in Rails. As a very basic example you can follow this 5 minute Rails tutorial.

15. Plugins Finally, if you are wondering which plugins / extensions you should use, I wrote about Rails plugins here.

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Great plugin list Rails books in free access

81 Comments Add your own

  • […] 9, 2006 20 July 09 Note – The new version of the Rails Windows installation guide is there. And the great news is that I even did it on the Rails v.2.3.3, released today! Please […]

  • 2. Matt Jones  |  July 21, 2009 at 1:41 am

    Just FYI – the path issue on Windows was a RubyGems bug. It should be fixed in the next release, coming soon.


  • 3. Pete G  |  July 23, 2009 at 2:42 pm

    Hi Matt, thanks for the tutorial, I might try a new clean install.

    Right now I’m using Instant Rails and trying to upgrade it from 2.0.2 to 2.3.3. However my dear Mongrel won’t start.

    So far i have:
    rails -v => 2.3.3
    gem -v => 1.3.5
    ruby -v => 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32]

    I have renamed application.rb to application_controller.rb
    and I’ve changed to this: RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘2.3.3’ in environment.rb

    When I try to start my app with Mongrel, it tries, but never succeeds to start. I have no Mongrel log to to look for hints in.

    Any ideas?

    By the way, the link to the ruby installer is broken => 404

    / Pete

    • 4. allaboutruby  |  July 23, 2009 at 8:43 pm

      I think you’re better off with a clean install. If you are updating rails, you should run “gem update rails”

      Mongrel should show you the errors in the command window.

  • 5. bubele  |  July 24, 2009 at 2:17 am

    Or you could just install Bitnami RubyStack and update Rails. RubyStack includes Apache, Mongrel, Ruby 1.8+1.9, SQLite, MySQL, Git and more. Servers (Apache, MySQL, Rails) can run as Windows services.

  • 6. Pete G  |  July 24, 2009 at 1:57 pm

    Thanks guys for the advice.

    @allaboutruby: I guess I’ve done my “gem update rails” properly already, cause it returns only “Nothing to update”. I’ve posted the mongrel start issue here:

    Any ideas?

    @bubele: RubyStack looks very promising, I’ll definitely try that unless I find a quick solution for my current Mongrel issue.


  • 7. Ed Steenhoek  |  July 30, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    Found the 1.9.1 one-click installer at

    ruby-v gives:
    ruby 1.9.1p0 (2009-01-30 revision 21907) [i386-mswin32]

  • 8. Boris  |  August 20, 2009 at 12:39 am

    Everything goes smoothly except for creating the post. When I go to the given url I am given a blank page with no errors.

    And now my page gives me a *cant connect to server* error.

    Where did I fail?

    • 9. allaboutruby  |  August 20, 2009 at 7:02 pm

      Boris – first of all, there was a mistake in the link in my post, make sure you’re accessing by using the 3000 port.

      Second, do check what the log says (do you see the welcome screen by accessing

  • 10. John Robertson  |  August 20, 2009 at 1:10 am

    Thank you for the help. I’m a newbie and found this to be very very helpful.

    One point–: I found that the instruction “Now, in your browser go to the ” didn’t work for me. I changed it to “” which did work. Not sure if this is a peculiarity of my system or needed by all.

    Thanks again.

    • 11. allaboutruby  |  August 20, 2009 at 6:58 pm

      You’re correct, it should be the 3000 port, I will fix this, thanks for noting it!

  • 12. Chipping the web: August 27th -- Chip's Quips  |  August 28, 2009 at 3:01 am

    […] Installing Rails on Windows (3 years later) « All About RubyImportant new stepsTags: rubyonrails tutorial windows […]

  • 13. Project 72 (setup rant) | TJ Koblentz  |  September 4, 2009 at 9:03 pm

    […] Anyway, I put my fate in trusty Google’s hands and found a few tutorials that guided me through the process. In fact, there was really no need for a tutorial once I figured out how to get started. However, if you would like to see the awesome tutorial over at the “All About Ruby” blog, check it out at […]

  • 14. dreaswar  |  September 25, 2009 at 2:20 pm

    thanks so much
    everything went allright except creating a post..

    I type and it give me this error (500)

    We’re sorry, but something went wrong.

    We’ve been notified about this issue and we’ll take a look at it shortly.

    I can see the welcome screen and all other steps went well

    where did i go wrong ?

    • 15. allaboutruby  |  September 25, 2009 at 10:33 pm

      This probably means that you have some error or typo in your code, take a look at the development log in your logs directory, it should give you a clue as to what’s wrong

      • 16. dreaswar  |  September 26, 2009 at 3:20 am

        Thanks for the help
        I seemed to have solved it !.. by accident !
        I just shut down the server and restarted it then it seemed to work

        In fact i went ahead and did your 5 min. Blog creation project which went through well

        Thanks so much for the guide.. I am a doctor by profession and am very new to programming in general. Am trying to find my feet in the Programming world.
        Eventually am trying to build an personal app in my clinic intranet that will have my patient’s details and my schedule.. i wonder if ruby and rails is the good choice for that.

      • 17. allaboutruby  |  September 29, 2009 at 8:31 pm

        dreaswar – RoR is pretty good for people without programming experience. If you will invest some time into it, it’ll be worth it.

    • 18. Harsha  |  November 11, 2009 at 3:03 am

      I have a similar problem. I run the server (as per step 6) and access the URL,

      When this page loads, I see the Welcome Aboard message.
      When I click on “About your application’s environment”, I get the message:

      We’re sorry, but something went wrong.

      We’ve been notified about this issue and we’ll take a look at it shortly.

      Any ideas?

      • 19. allaboutruby  |  November 15, 2009 at 9:54 pm

        App environment does not work in Ruby on Rails and they did not bother yet to fix it.

  • 20. Pedro  |  September 28, 2009 at 12:05 am

    Thanks friend!!!. Anyway, I just installed RoR and MySQL just following your 3 year old guide and it worked perfectly for now, I didn’t see this recent post before… So, I’ll check for the new features you mention.

    Take care, best regards.

  • 21. Sarah  |  October 21, 2009 at 12:11 am

    How to install Ruby on Rails for Windows – Finished!
    With some problem but there are problem solved in google.

    I had a problem with “” and folder… I asked myself…
    How Firefox know that I have something in C:\rails\example\hello\ by writing only “” in browser.

    Then I noticed command “ruby script/server” must be on during testing.

    I had a problems with loading files on the beggining also but after reinstalling ruby on rails everything works.

    Looks like it’s a programming language for humans 😉

    “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler”

  • 22. Pankaj Sisodiya  |  October 29, 2009 at 8:46 pm

    Thanks a lot for writing the installation process. I just came to Ruby on Rails after doing lot of programming in Ruby. Thanks Again

  • 23. gogetakame  |  November 16, 2009 at 4:51 am

    for some reason i get the No rake file found error when doing the rake db:migrate
    i tried doing what you said by adding the load ‘rake’ to the end of the rake file and putting the # in front of the load Gem…thing
    but i still get the same error
    No rakefile found in ….

    im on windows vista
    any help would be good thanks!

  • 24. gogetakame  |  November 16, 2009 at 5:44 am

    i fixed that part
    but now i get an error that root is denied access with a password
    i installed everything with rubystack
    and i kno i hav the user root and password correct in the database.yml
    wat’s the problem?

    • 25. Jim Adams  |  May 24, 2015 at 7:12 pm

      “I fixed that part..”

  • 26. Ryan H  |  November 25, 2009 at 5:56 pm

    When executing gem update –system on Windows 7 x64 I get an error:

    “Updating RubyGems
    ERROR: While executing gem … (Zlib::GzipFile::Error)
    not in gzip format”

    Wondering if I have done something wrong in my installation or need to manually change a setting due to a x64 path issue, etc.

    Thank you.

  • […] Using Git. First, you will need to initialize the Git repository for your code. If you never used Git for anything other than downloading plugins, you need to start learning to use it as your CVS of […]

  • 29. John  |  December 26, 2009 at 6:03 am

    This is the most useful resource I saw on Internet, other than wikipedia. Thank you

  • 30. Installing Ruby on Rails in Windows 7 « Tara Clark  |  December 29, 2009 at 9:42 am

    […] Installing Rails on Windows (3 years later) […]

  • 31. Praveen Ram C  |  January 1, 2010 at 1:38 pm

    Thanks man…! It’s a neat tutorial for installing ruby on rails.

  • 32. Adam Noveskey  |  March 11, 2010 at 12:43 am

    Thank you so much for publishing this tutorial!

    I have been through 3 different RoR books that looked good in the book store, but when following the directions in front of my computer I would get error after error and very poor explanations for a lot of other little glitches.

    It took me about 90 minutes to get from the beginning to the end with your tutorial and I now feel I can dive head first into Rails. I will recommend this to anyone I know of who needs help with RoR!

  • 34. Sylvain  |  March 24, 2010 at 5:39 pm

    when trying to install on a Vista machine without admin privileges and behind a http-proxy

    1) open the control panel, type “path” inside the search box.
    2) click on the “Edit environment variables for your account” link
    3) add a “PATH’ variable with a value of “%PATH%;C:\Ruby\bin”
    => this zill not override your path setting, but append ruby to it
    4)configure a HTTP_PROXy variable, as described here :

    ruby gems will then update like a charm !

  • 35. DSTT  |  April 5, 2010 at 6:22 am

    Hello, thought I might glean from your experience here 🙂 I installed everything (c:\Ruby), did the updates, even went so far as to successfully create the barebones webapp. But when I go to the directory for the web app, or any directory, and try to use ‘ruby script/server’ I get “‘ruby’ is not recognized as an internal or external command” blah blah, you know the rest. No other guide seems to mention anything else I’d have to do, so it should just work. And funnily enough, “ruby -v” works just fine.

    Definitely stuck, appreciate any advice, thank you!

    I’m running
    Ruby 1.8.7
    Windows 7 x64

    • 36. Allaboutruby  |  April 5, 2010 at 9:00 am

      You have to be in the root directory of your new Rails app, otherwise the script won’t work.

      Also, check that your ruby installation is in the PATH, by running cmd and typing “path” command.

  • […] If you need more detailed instructions I highly recommend you to read Installing Rails on Windows . […]

  • 38. halkazzar  |  May 10, 2010 at 11:10 am

    Really good tutorial! Thank you!

  • 39. justanotherhack  |  May 13, 2010 at 6:40 am

    Hey, thanks for taking the time to write this, just want to assure anyone else that these installation steps worked perfectly for me – and I didn’t run into any of the potential problems the author mentions (I’m running Windows XP Media Center Edition on an Amd 64 dual core) – thanks again

  • 41. Drew  |  June 19, 2010 at 10:02 pm

    This a great tutorial!

    Question though. After I created the Rails folder in my “My Documents” folder and typing “cd path/to/your rails folder,” my command window replied with the system cannot find the path specified.

    What can I do to resolve this problem?



    • 42. Drew  |  June 19, 2010 at 10:04 pm

      Sorry, I forgot to mention that I’m using Windows XP.

      • 43. allaboutruby  |  June 24, 2010 at 11:12 am

        You need to change folder to the folder where you have your rails project

  • 44. andy  |  July 16, 2010 at 2:41 pm

    which folder? could you please write down exactly what? thanks
    we are having the same problem and cannot solve the problem.

    • 45. Sylvain  |  July 16, 2010 at 3:54 pm

      the folder where YOU have CHOSEN to install rails

      if you install rails inside c:\rails, type cd c:\rails

      if you choose to install it inside c:\My Documents\rails, type cd c:\My Documents\rails

  • 46. Flatline  |  August 21, 2010 at 10:06 am

    You want to change the row:

    …restart it again by typing “rails script/server”.


    …restart it again by typing “ruby script/server”.


    • 47. allaboutruby  |  August 21, 2010 at 10:28 am

      Oops, updated. Thanks for the catch!

  • 49. KK  |  September 3, 2010 at 8:42 pm

    thank you for the very straight forward installation guide… i had tried 3 times to get it all installed properly… your went off without a hitch! bookmarking your site.


  • 50. Andrew  |  September 10, 2010 at 6:18 am

    In step 4 when trying to create a new project, ‘rails hello’ didn’t work for me. ‘rails new hello’ did however.

  • 51. Norman White  |  September 20, 2010 at 8:04 pm

    I got Ruby installed ok, but I am having trouble installing gems. I typed gem update –system and the system at first returns “Updating Ruby Gems” but then it says “ does not appear to be a repository.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • 52. DowTek  |  September 21, 2010 at 8:02 pm

    Nice article. Only a few steps seem to be out of order.

    Like mentioned above: I am using Windows and I had to type “rails new hello” to make a new rails project.

    I also had to call the rails application when starting the server, like this:
    “ruby script\rails server” and NOT “ruby script/server“

  • […] All About Ruby Rails Setup and the update 3 years later […]

  • 54. Installing Ruby on Rails on Windows - Charles on Software  |  November 3, 2010 at 9:03 pm

    […] All About Ruby: Installing Rails on Windows (3 years later) Ruby, Software Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Ruby on Rails on Windows, Ruby on Windows […]

  • 55. Michael  |  November 14, 2010 at 4:24 am

    Is it possible to setup Rails 2.x using your instructions. I’m new to rails and want to use book that are for Rails 2 for now

    • 56. admin  |  November 14, 2010 at 12:41 pm

      Michael – yes, it was done for Rails 2.x in the first place, the instructions for Rails 3 are added in brackets.

  • 57. Getting started with Ruby « Aishwarya Singhal  |  January 13, 2011 at 6:27 am

    […] purpose. Anyhow, I tried and failed It just wont install! After a bit of googling I came across  this site. And now it looks its all sorted! Let me try doing a real app now LikeBe the first to […]

  • 58. Mike  |  January 13, 2011 at 10:56 pm

    Thanks – tried it and it worked like a champ.

    I did have to seek some outside resources for the SQLite stuff, but after 10 minutes that was working!

    Looking forward to creating some real apps.

    About me: 11 years of ASP/ASP.Net Development Experience

  • […] Installing Rails on Windows (3 years later) « All About Ruby […]

  • 60. Anthony  |  April 7, 2011 at 11:31 pm

    I can’t get through step 5.. i never get through “BOOTING WEBRICK”
    I just get a bunch of info starting with “Usage: Rails new APP_PATH [options]”

    And when i try it goes nowhere…

    (windows 7, ruby 1.9.2)

  • 61. Balaji K  |  May 9, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    This is one of the wonderful forum I have everseen. I am a newbie to ROR. Thank you so much.. 🙂

    • 62. Elgen  |  May 24, 2012 at 10:26 am

      I just created a brand new SC 6.2 site and added the CustomItemGenerator socrue to my solution as another project. I installed the package into my site, then built the socrue to overwrite the package’s CustomItemGenerator.dll. I tried to generate custom item classes for a sample dummy template and the generate button doesn’t seem to do anything still.I checked what the button does in the core and saw it calls devtools:generatecustomitem(id=$Target) so I’m thinking maybe something isn’t hooking in. I looked in the CustomItemGeneratorCommand class and saw that if you try to generate custom items on any items other than a template or template folder, there should be a sheer alert in SC, which I don’t get.

  • 63. Balaji K  |  May 9, 2011 at 2:28 pm


    For Rails 3 you have to use “rails server” for Booting Webrick and for previous versions use “ruby script/server” in the application directory. Any one of these should work for you.

  • 64. Balaji K  |  May 9, 2011 at 4:02 pm


    I am trying to connect mysql but no success. any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!

    Thanks in advance !!

  • 65. B7  |  May 15, 2011 at 2:30 am

    Thanks for the tutorial. Easy to understand and it worked.

    The only problem I had is that the server failed at step 6, complaining about sqlite3. So I downloaded and installed sqlite3 and did that gem thing (install the sqlite3 gem). Then it worked perfectly.

    Here are the sqlite3 (precompiled binary files I used: (237.55 KiB) (278.49 KiB)


    • 66. Sal  |  May 25, 2011 at 5:36 am

      i had the same problem and installed sqlite3 files. After that the webrick started booting but it just hangs at the line ” Info WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=5296 port=3000″
      any clue on what to do? I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes and i’m sure it shouldn’t take this long!! Thx

      • 67. Cherif  |  June 28, 2011 at 5:18 am

        I’m stuch here too. after getting the sqlite error, when in my new project home directory i type gem install sqlite3, which works successfully. I then restart cmd, and from the same dir run rails server. My command prompt then crashes saying I’m missing sqlite3.dll…

        any ideas?
        I’m a complete newb but this tutorial is wonderful!

  • 68. Installing Ruby on Rails in Windows 7  |  May 21, 2011 at 9:38 am

    […] Installing Rails on Windows (3 years later) […]

  • 69. Explain step 4 in installing Ruby on rails? - Quora  |  August 10, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    […] Questions; Search Topics and People Ruby on Rails Explain step 4 in installing Ruby on rails?From…3 Comments  Add AnswerBIU     @   Edit Link Text […]

  • 70. rax  |  August 29, 2011 at 6:01 am

    Worked on my vista machine

  • 71. bhidotkara  |  August 30, 2011 at 7:21 am

    i have followed step by step as you said, but during the step 5
    running web server, – i am not able to run web server
    using the command give by you and also as per some correction sin the comment

    i have
    C:\Documents and Settings\baskar\My Documents\Rails\hello\script

    in this script i have a file with name “rails” is it correct
    it tryed both options
    webserver command “ruby script/server” (or in Rails3 use “rails server

    i am running it on windows xp
    can you guide me on whats the mistake

  • 72. Dean  |  October 28, 2011 at 6:45 am

    Is it OK after enabling server you can’t work with cmd prompt in XP? I have to ctrl+C everytime i need to work with it

  • 73. Colin  |  January 5, 2012 at 9:29 am

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  • 74. Bank CardUSA  |  March 23, 2012 at 1:33 am

    I dont usually reply to posts but I will in this case. WoW. some times its a pain in the ass to read what blog owners wrote but this website is really user friendly ! . outstanding pleasing outstanding.

  • 75. Raju Rajun  |  February 4, 2013 at 3:39 am

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  • 76. Gemstone  |  February 19, 2013 at 11:03 pm

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  • 78. Ronil  |  May 20, 2014 at 11:36 pm

    One of the Date Format Gem. Easily we can maintain the date format around the application

  • 79. deeps  |  July 26, 2014 at 9:22 am


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