Best Resources for Rails

August 21, 2009 at 10:41 pm 4 comments

These sites are extremely helpful for anybody starting out with Ruby on Rails:

1 – Rails API. A must for getting any information about Rails methods, etc. Can be a bit overwhelming for a total newbie, but becomes vital for any intermediate developer. Sometimes the descriptions are not detailed enough or do not provide enough examples to “get it”, so additional search in google may be in order πŸ˜‰

2 – Ruby Docs. Unofrtunately Rails API doesn’t include the Ruby methods and classes descriptions, so you sort of need to move between the two, if you don’t remember if include? is a method of Rails or Ruby.

3 – Stackoverflow. A really great resource for quickly getting your questions answered or searching for a solution to a problem. Some of the very experienced Rails guys give free and valuable advice there, highly recommended!

4 – Rails Forum. A good resource for searching solutions for encountered problems. Some questions do not get answered though :(.

5 – Railscasts. Great free short video tutorials on many, many topics. The pace, level of detail, comprehensibility are all top-notch, you should spend as much free time watching those as possible πŸ˜‰

Hope it helps. Do include additional suggestions in the comments to share with others

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Yet more advice on learning Ruby & Rails Code refactoring: generic partials

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